Mario reference! I love this game. The reference is the Shell option (Which gives you a fail, unlike the Super Mushroom in Stealing the Diamond)
Mario reference! I love this game. The reference is the Shell option (Which gives you a fail, unlike the Super Mushroom in Stealing the Diamond)
I like both of those scenes
Great game! And why does the frozen ice cream still be frozen for so much time? Shouldnt it melt?
Awesome game! I like how the level which is shaped like a "M" tells that you need to use momentum to complete the stage, however I could only make it till there. Oh, and is this AS3?
Yeah, It's all done in AS3.
OK StoneSyche i will beat it
It's a maze, so make a invisible box covering the whole movie, Select it and press F8, Convert to button, add actions:
on (release) {
Replace anyframe with the frame number which will say "CHEATER" or something else. Like "2".
And Add this code: "stage.showMenu = false;" without quotes to the first frame of your movie.
I am just 7.
If you experience any problems PM me :)
It's bad, but any of you reviewers played the impossible game by flukedude? He copyed that.
And StarlightSilver, We don't need to. All he can do is jump. Just the SPACE key.
It actually is about crap.
Sorry i don't know physics.
I am also 7 :)
THis helped me on as.
Joined on 1/15/12